How to Get Rid of Darkness Around Neck
In a perfect world, we would have perfectly flawless skin and healthy, shiny hair. But let's admit it, this is not a perfect world and we have skin problems that need correction. If there's something more annoying than acne and blackheads, it has to be an uneven skin tone, especially in areas that are quite visible.
Dark skin around the neck is a common problem experienced by both men and women. This discolouration could sometimes be because of an allergic reaction, tanning or it could a sign of an underlying health concern. Whatever may be the cause behind it, we know a few ways to correct the dark skin around your neck. Here are five natural ways to cure it.
- Almond oil
- Potato juice
- Yoghurt
- Apple cider vinegar
- Oatmeal scrub
Almond oil

A rich source of vitamin E, almond oil soothes and rejuvenates the skin from the deeper layers. It contains mild bleaching agents that improve uneven skin and overall complexion. Adding a few drops of tea tree oil to almond oil and massaging it onto the skin every night will improve blood circulation and lighten blemishes.
Potato juice

There's a reason why potato slices are suggested to people with under-eye dark circles because it has bleaching properties that lighten the skin naturally. Applying the juice of potato twice daily helps remove dark patches from the skin and makes it look clear and glowing with regular use.

Other than nourishing and smoothing the skin, yoghurt contains natural enzymes that lighten uneven skin tone and correct dark patches. Applying a mixture of yoghurt and lemon on your neck for about 20 minutes frequently will visibly reduce the darkness around the neck. Lemon is acidic in nature and may not be suitable for everyone. If you have known allergies, we advise you against trying this DIY.
Apple cider vinegar

Darkness and dryness could be caused by imbalanced pH levels of the skin. The malic acid present in apple cider vinegar works as an exfoliator to remove dead skin cells and gives the skin a healthy glow. Apply diluted apple cider vinegar to the area every alternate day and moisturise afterwards.
Oatmeal scrub

Sometimes, all the skin around your neck needs is a good scrubbing session to get rid of all the accumulated dirt and dead skin cells. We recommend oats because it cleans as well as moisturises the skin, which means you won't have any dry patches! Combine oats with tomato juice and olive oil, and apply on your neck. Keep the mixture on for about 20 minutes before washing it off.
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How to Get Rid of Darkness Around Neck