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 · 926 ratings  · 28 reviews
Start your review of Overlord, Vol. 12: The Paladin of the Sacred Kingdom Function I (Overlord Calorie-free Novels, #12)
While I'g a big fan of the Overlord serial, I have to say that volume 12 is the most disappointing of them. That's not to say it'southward bad, it just doesn't take the same sense of excellence the others have. The trouble is compounded by the way that this time the author went all-in on the "ii function story" thought. It really feels every bit if book 12 is only the offset half a stellar hypothetical novel. Pretty much zip has been resolved past the volume'due south cease and what passes for a climax is fairly pointless, pre While I'm a big fan of the Overlord series, I have to say that book 12 is the well-nigh disappointing of them. That's not to say it'southward bad, it just doesn't have the same sense of excellence the others accept. The problem is compounded by the way that this time the author went all-in on the "2 function story" idea. It actually feels every bit if volume 12 is only the start one-half a stellar hypothetical novel. Pretty much nothing has been resolved by the volume's cease and what passes for a climax is adequately pointless, presumably considering the author is intending volume 13 to be full of dramatic resolutions and climaxes, much equally volume half dozen was. Reading volumes 12 and thirteen back to back, equally was probable intended, would probably exit me much more satisfied, but alas it won't be out for months. Comparisons can be fabricated to the terminal ii parter of the serial, volumes 5 and six, which were also this way, but in that case at that place was enough of a plot arc in the first volume that it was able to stand alone as well as supporting the sequel. In 12 that isn't the case, and the whole affair feels incomplete because of it.

To conclude: This book was nonetheless a expert read, but I'd recommend waiting for volume xiii to read both at in one case.

Apr 12, 2021 rated it really liked it
This book is part i in a story arc spanning volumes 12 and xiii, so fifty-fifty if I have wanted to read information technology for quite a long time I have waited for volume 13 to come out as well. Now with only a week left I allowed myself to dig in.
Cheng Xu
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view information technology, click hither. Okay I am so in love with Neia that when I saw the last paragraph of this volume, I actually had to cheque asap her cease on Google regardless of spoiler. 5 ✨ for Neia's graphic symbol development. Okay I am so in love with Neia that when I saw the last paragraph of this volume, I really had to check asap her end on Google regardless of spoiler. 5 ✨ for Neia's character evolution. ...more
Wonderful! The translation is way smoother than previous volumes thus elevating the reading experience. In this Volume we visit the Holy Kingdom equally a sure ruby suited demon wrecks havoc for them. 😉😈 This book is generally in the pov of Neia, a squire of the Holy Kingdom who is seriously underappreciated and mistreated by her incompetent superiors. She has been thrown as a sacrifice to nourish the undead Sorceror Male monarch as he journeys with them to the Holy Kingdom. During the trip she is completely t Wonderful! The translation is style smoother than previous volumes thus elevating the reading feel. In this Volume we visit the Holy Kingdom equally a certain red suited demon wrecks havoc for them. 😉😈 This book is more often than not in the pov of Neia, a squire of the Holy Kingdom who is seriously underappreciated and mistreated by her incompetent superiors. She has been thrown as a sacrifice to attend the undead Sorceror Rex as he journeys with them to the Holy Kingdom. During the trip she is completely taken in by his kindness and dignified aura. Information technology's so beautiful to sentinel her devotion grow. Unfortunately this book ends on a bewilderment!!! ...more
Irina Villacis

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So, this story arc, like Volumes 5 and 6, is divided into 2 books. This being Part 1 of that story, it shares a fair number of similarities with Book 5. The first is that narratively this is the build-upward stage. That's non to say nothing really happens in this book, but it'south all preamble. This all makes it a pretty far cry from the big, epic moments of the series like Volume 3 or Book ix. But that doesn't mean the book

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So, this story arc, like Volumes five and 6, is divided into 2 books. This beingness Office one of that story, it shares a off-white number of similarities with Book v. The first is that narratively this is the build-upwardly phase. That's not to say nothing really happens in this book, merely information technology's all preamble. This all makes it a pretty far weep from the big, epic moments of the series like Volume iii or Volume 9. But that doesn't mean the book isn't interesting, its action sequences are simply tamer. Cause that's not actually the focus hither and will likely happen in Role 2.

What this book does is bring the audience to the Sacred Kingdom and its paladins. And evidence what Demiurge has been upwards to during the events of the last few books. And he'southward once again using his disguise as Jaldabaoth, which just actually makes this storyline even more comparable to the previous ii-parter. And so, the outset two chapters of this book mainly focus on bringing in new characters, mainly the aforementioned paladins. Nosotros go to know a little bit about the Sacred Kingdom, encounter them fight, then along. Then the tone shifts a bit and starts to focus more than on Ainz, although ane of the new characters (Neia) becomes his petty sidekick.

The thing most Paladin of the Sacred Kingdom is that information technology starts off tedious. Told from their signal of view, the story makes sense. Nosotros encounter the paladins desperately doing everything they can to protect their homeland. But nosotros, the readers, know what the Nazarick gang is capable of. We know these paladins are doomed to failure. That they are being played like fiddles. And it's not actually until the very terminate of the volume that we run into what Ainz is really planning hither. And similar usual, his train of idea is pretty different from the Guardians, but he rolls with it.

One thing that was fun to see hither was Ainz'due south continuously degrading humanity. He's become less human, less moral, over the course of the series. But up until this betoken, it'southward been kind of hands-off. Him only giving the orders or the ok to do terrible things. Or causing bad things to happen on a large scale where information technology'due south hard to experience and mensurate the individual suffering of the victims. Only now, he gets his hands dirty. And doesn't experience even a shred of real remorse over it. He'south even struggling to merely empathise normal people and where they're coming from at this point. It seems like he less feels emotions and more remembers what it was like to feel them. He is very much becoming the mask throughout this story and information technology will exist interesting to see where that takes him.

Pablo García
The main character Ainz (Momonga, Momon, Suzuki) and his retinue, create the crunch, create the wars, torture and kill the inhabitants and and so convince the victims to receive their aid to assist solve their problems. It is like most politicians and lawyers I know. Manipulative, calculative, sadists and psychopaths are the composers and directors of this huge scam, bear witness, drama, imitation war.
I don't understand why the author creates so many contradictions, and creates a dystopia so bad and so evil that
The main character Ainz (Momonga, Momon, Suzuki) and his retinue, create the crisis, create the wars, torture and kill the inhabitants and then convince the victims to receive their help to help solve their issues. It is like nigh politicians and lawyers I know. Manipulative, calculative, sadists and psychopaths are the composers and directors of this huge scam, show, drama, fake war.
I don't sympathize why the author creates then many contradictions, and creates a dystopia so bad and then evil that living on World is like living in sky.
Yggdrasil was a grotesque, monster, terror, gore and torture game. The chief characters of this closed down game Ainz and his Floor guards and retinue, use their onetime grotesque profiles and desires to conquer this alternative reality world.
This volume 12 is slow moving, slow going, and redundant. The objective is to accept the Roble Holy Kingdom to submit or die to the Nazarick King (since he is both the cause and the solution to this made up disharmonize). Half of the tortured people now want to hunt downwards and kill all the humanoid/subhuman/monsterkin/etc. similar Caspond (elder brother to the former Queen). A few, like Neia Baraja larn to understand tolerance and good will towards all of the sentient beings in this alternate reality world.
Ainz actually doesn't desire peace because he is creating war and conflict with all of the people of this new world. Ainz wants to subjugate and rule over everybody, not as a personal goal, simply equally something that his Floor Guards and retinue see as the obvious matter to do.
Dex Vaughn
Halfway through the arc, but I loved it.

I come across some reviews hating on this book for being unfinished or having a weak climax, only I wholeheartedly disagree.

A manner to keep something that has been going on for and so long from getting stale is to provide many different perspectives and refreshing shifts to the narrative while staying true to the heart of the story. Overlord 12 does and then very well by focusing on a weak squire, Neia, and having her witness firsthand the "genius" of Lord Ainz without all

Halfway through the arc, but I loved information technology.

I see some reviews hating on this volume for being unfinished or having a weak climax, but I wholeheartedly disagree.

A way to continue something that has been going on for then long from getting stale is to provide many different perspectives and refreshing shifts to the narrative while staying true to the center of the story. Overlord 12 does and so very well by focusing on a weak squire, Neia, and having her witness firsthand the "genius" of Lord Ainz without all the self-doubtfulness and loathing. Without any confirmation of what is going on until the very end, the reader is left to guess from the subtle hints and missteps from the MC at what program is happening and what stress is beingness caused to the person playing the charade.

It didn't accept the aforementioned amount of cathartic power tripping moments equally previous titles, but this book still mixed in a few references to those who take been playing close attention to things happening so far. In that location were also petty to no grammatical issues that I could notice and the utilise of the same phrases and words have been eradicated through the growing experience of the writer. There's just not much to complain about in this novel.

I can't wait to read how the Arc finishes! The English language release tin can't come up before long enough.

As the starting time function of the Paladin Arch, this novel leaves many storylines unresolved, so it doesn't really stand up on its own without novel #xiii. Different the other Overlord novels where the alignment of protagonists was only hinted at, in this one Maruyama makes it apparently and painfully clear that you are observing characters that are undeniably and unapologetically evil. Nonetheless, they are still far more likeable than the overzealous religious fanatics of the Holly Kingdom, around whom novels #12 Every bit the commencement role of the Paladin Arch, this novel leaves many storylines unresolved, then it doesn't really stand on its own without novel #thirteen. Unlike the other Overlord novels where the alignment of protagonists was merely hinted at, in this one Maruyama makes it obviously and painfully clear that you are observing characters that are undeniably and unapologetically evil. However, they are still far more likeable than the overzealous religious fanatics of the Holly Kingdom, around whom novels #12 & #13 revolve. The only one that evokes even a remote sense of sympathy is Neia, a squire/underdog of the Holy Kingdom'southward gild of Paladins, who is assigned to exist the Sorcerer Rex Ainz Ooal Gown'southward retainer later on he decides to bring together the resistance efforts and help them defeat Jaldabaoth and the horde of demons and demi-humans he has unleashed upon the Holy Kingdom. It was especially interesting to run into Ainz play the part of a monarch that conveys an impression of absolute justice and morality, knowing that all the horrible things that are happening to his neighboring nation are the result of him pulling the strings backside the phase. ...more than
Shannon Luchies
Yen Printing english edition.

USUALLY in the Overlord serial, I'm not bothered by the Overlord cast curbstomping other characters because they're facing horrible villains. Non so this book, in which the Overlord characters go total on villain protagonists. Every bit function of a plan to build up the Kingdom of Darkness, Demiurge leads a army of monsters against the Sacred Kingdom, forcing them to ask Ainz for aid to 'relieve' them.

Ainz continues to exist likable, and I liked Neia, who'southward both cute and WAAAY out of

Yen Printing english edition.

USUALLY in the Overlord series, I'm not bothered by the Overlord cast curbstomping other characters because they're facing horrible villains. Not and then this book, in which the Overlord characters get full on villain protagonists. As part of a plan to build up the Kingdom of Darkness, Demiurge leads a army of monsters against the Sacred Kingdom, forcing them to ask Ainz for help to 'save' them.

Ainz continues to be likable, and I liked Neia, who's both cute and WAAAY out of her depth. But yeah, if you weren't aware that the Overlord bandage are EVIL, this novel will help make information technology clear for you. Very clear.

The stage is properly set for the next volume, I'1000 just a bit sad it took nearly 300 pages for book 11's cliffhanger to actually show up on the horizon. It's vicious, but I honey this series too much to truly experience negatively..
Danny Moody
Bated from not liking the initial foreshadowing of the book. We get to see another kingdom in this world. And then I am loving the globe building. Fun plot and I really hope nosotros get to come across this in the anime soon.
It was a quick read and it was a little interesting to see the point of view of someone working with Ainz who'south completely unfamiliar with him, but most of this volume is yet "NPCs are ruthless, regular people are going to die, Ainz is over his head and extremely lucky." It was a quick read and information technology was a little interesting to come across the point of view of someone working with Ainz who's completely unfamiliar with him, but about of this book is all the same "NPCs are ruthless, regular people are going to die, Ainz is over his head and extremely lucky." ...more than
Ricardo Matos
Neia Baraja is a great main character in this volume, the story is interesting, Ainz takes centre stage. One of the most interesting Overlord volumes then far, eagerly jumping to the 2nd role of the story
5 stars. The introduction of Neia is one of the best new characters this series has had nevertheless, she'due south i of the cutest fanatics I've ever had the pleasure of reading about. v stars. The introduction of Neia is one of the best new characters this series has had yet, she's one of the cutest fanatics I've ever had the pleasure of reading about. ...more
Edric Unsane
I elt the story could have been better.
Alec Rebert
Gabriel d'Matos
Espero que compense a construção desse volume no próximo que é a segunda metade desse arco. O potencial existe, agora é ver se seja tão engraçado como esse.
Edgaras Čelkys
Poor Ainz, that ending xD
Book-o Loco
Demiurge is really cool. I of my favorite character!
I definitely enjoyed the change of bespeak of view in this book. Neia is a very enjoyable graphic symbol and it was pretty heady to become to come across how others around Ainz perceive him. Finished this one with one sitting. Highly recommended!
Sayak  Das
Brace yourselves!
Justice is nigh to be re-defined.
Allen Tran
Jun 24, 2020 rated it really liked it

The other 11 books are better, simply this one I nonetheless finished in one go. This 1's a bit repetitive. Not really pushing any new boundaries.


The other 11 books are better, but this i I still finished in ane become. This ane's a bit repetitive. Not actually pushing any new boundaries.

...more than
idk I liked Neia's character
Some other magnificent volume in the Overlord Light Novels .
Perhaps it's just because this is office one of a ii-role novel, only I felt as though very little got resolved in this volume. Possibly information technology's but considering this is part 1 of a two-part novel, only I felt equally though very little got resolved in this book. ...more
Rusty Blair Edmiston
Proper noun (in native language): 丸山くがね
Proper name (in native language): 丸山くがね

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Overlord Light Novel Volume 12 Read Online
