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What Do the Drs Do When Babies Have the Flu

Your baby and the flu

Babies and the flu; Your infant and the flu; Your toddler and the flu

The flu is an easily-spread disease. Children under historic period 2 have a higher risk of developing complications if they get the flu.

The information in this article has been put together to help you protect children under age 2 from the flu. This is not a substitute for medical advice from your health intendance provider. If yous call up your baby may have the influenza, you should contact a provider right abroad.

Your head is throbbing. Your pharynx is burning. You're cough nonstop, and your whole torso aches. This is no run-of-the-mill common cold. You may have the influenza. Permit'south talk near influenza, also known as the flu. Winter is a time for sledding, snowball fights, and influenza. Every winter, millions of Americans come down with this respiratory ailment and feel absolutely miserable. Like the common common cold, the flu is caused by a virus. But with the flu, information technology's the influenza virus that makes people so sick. The flu virus comes in a few different forms. Flu A is nearly common between early wintertime and spring. You can catch influenza B twelvemonth-round. Swine flu, or H1N1, is a specific type of influenza A. You catch the flu from someone who has information technology. When people with the flu sneeze or coughing, they send a spray of droplets filled with the flu virus into the air. If you're unlucky enough to be nearby, you could breathe in those droplets. Or, you might touch a surface that the aerosol have fallen on and and so touch your olfactory organ or mouth. 2 to 3 days later, the beginning flu symptoms will appear. Normally you'll start running a fever. And so yous'll feel achy and tired. Yous may have the chills and feel sick to your stomach. Later on a couple of days, the sore throat and cough volition ready in. So, how exercise doctors treat the flu? Considering a virus causes the influenza, antibiotics won't care for it, they merely kill bacteria. In that location are antiviral medicines, but yous need to offset taking them within the first 2 days afterwards your symptoms appear. Until the illness runs its class, aid yourself feel amend by getting a lot of rest and drinking extra fluids. Yous can take an over-the-counter cold medicine to relieve your congestion and coughing. Tylenol, Advil, or Motrin tin can bring down your fever and take some of the pain out of your sore pharynx. Aspirin isn't recommended during the flu, especially under age 18, because it could increase the risk for a rare, but serious, condition called Reye syndrome. By itself, the influenza ordinarily isn't harmful. But it can make existing weather similar asthma and breathing problems worse. In older people or those with a weakened immune system, the flu tin can turn into pneumonia, bronchitis, and other more serious diseases. For about healthy people, the flu is a brusque-term annoyance. They're stuck in bed for a week or two, and and so their symptoms go abroad and they're back upwards and effectually. Just thousands of people each year get very sick from the influenza, especially the elderly, young children, and pregnant women. Many are hospitalized, and about 36,000 people die from flu complications. To avoid getting the flu, eat well, become plenty of exercise and sleep, and practise good hygiene. Wash your hands frequently with warm h2o and soap or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Don't share cups, plates, or utensils, peculiarly during flu season. And most effective, get your influenza shot every fall to protect y'all through the whole flu season.



What Do the Drs Do When Babies Have the Flu
